
The worst things about eternal september is morons on Twitter trying to dunk on Mastodon when it's clear they're normal oeuvre is complaining about clippy

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People really hate change.

Or alternatively Musk has been caught using bot armies to defend tesla, perhaps he's trying to slow the exodus?

@alienghic I just don't get it. A better alternative is *right here*, and it's easier now than ever.

@sullybiker No idea.

I've found my fediverse experience reasonably pleasant.

There was one account i tried to follow, but it got stuck in "waiting for approval" and I don't know if it's personal or a bug. (The person in question was writing their own fediverse software)

@alienghic Generally it's been very good. It's not perfect, but few things are!


I've used desktop Linux since at least the late 90s. I have had many years of trying to be patient and letting things mature without trying to bug the volunteers.

@alienghic Same. I tend to have learnt to adapt rather than want things to be different (even though I want things to be different)

@alienghic My friend and I had this box running redhat, it didn't even have network but we thought it was the coolest thing.


I remember those days.

There was that time I'd managed to cram linux and x11 and editor onto an extended 1.7mb floppy so I didn't have to use windows in the computer labs...

@alienghic The school threw out a bunch of IBM 500mhz machines that were pretty good, but they had some weird video card. That was my first time getting Debian working. It took me all evening to get Xorg working but I remember the incredible feeling when I did it.

@alienghic I don't think we'll see migration significant enough to 'hurt' Twitter (they would have left already...) but it could be great for this project to have a nice bump in adoption.

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