
The surge in new users globally has had an interesting affect on my storage admin. i have to clean up every other day now, instead of every five days.

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Server actually filled right up just the other day.I sometimes think some of this stuff could have been better designed.

@sullybiker do you manage a personal instance or do you have other users on your server as well?

I've just started playing around with the idea of setting up my own personal instance. I have a VPS that I've been playing with for a couple of years. Have a nextcloud and miniflux instance running on it already. Thought It'd be nice to have a mastodon instance as well.

@Finner Yeah just a single user at the moment. Well a friend is on it too but it is tiny.

@Finner I decided on a docker solution, it wa pretty easy to get going, but for their ease of use it's not so intuitive when it comes to maintenance.

@sullybiker I've dabbled with docker a little bit, that might be a better option. I started the install process, but failed compiling for lack of swap space it seems. So I think I need to tweak some things on the VPS and try again I suppose.

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