
systemd is totally fucked on my media server. No idea how this has happened. It's just lunched itself.

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@sullybiker I'd appreciate a content warning if you're going to use words like "systemd".

@sullybiker my coworker has reported cases of systemd being broken if the systemd and udev versions didn't match. No idea if that's your problem, but its also something easy to check

@alienghic It's behaving again. For whatever reason it had an extremely slow start.


well in the category of systemd helps solve problems that it may create, there's systemd-analyze which can help diagnose boot problems

@alienghic yes it seems to be related to dbus crapping out and coming back. The joy of tight coupling.

@alienghic I only discovered this when I couldn't restart it, because 'reboot' symlinks to systemctl which in turn relies on a working IPC bus (why? You'd have to ask Lennie P)

@sullybiker at some point systemd will become the operating system

@threeoh6000 It's practically there, tied into userspace so much.

I wouldn't mind but it infects other projects, so software expects logind and shit like that. I know there's workarounds but they should not really be needed.

@sullybiker i sure hope software isn't regressing back to hurr durr we can't support your thing because it's weird and we use this thing exclusively stuff

sure i use arch which uses systemd but like openrc and runit both have benefits (i've had void linux systems run with X11 and i3wm in sub 192MB of RAM configs before)

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