user: feature X is not working for me

foss bro: this is a duplicate of issue #41

user: uh issue #41 has no solution or workaround?

foss bro *closes issue*


@walruslifestyle Have you been hanging out on the systemd bug tracker

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@sullybiker lol no believe it or not I saw this on the MathJax issue tracker on github. but I'd say maybe 80% of the issue lists I end up on have some variation of this pattern. maybe I'm just unlucky.

@walruslifestyle They become a bit like ticketing help desks where there is an unspoken implicit deny policy; people look to close issues without doing anything

@sullybiker ugh, exactly! it feels so much like corporate IT I've worked with (IT when the people aren't happy, anyway)

@sullybiker if I were working on a FOSS project and started feeling like that I'd hand it off to someone else. why cause yourself the stress?

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