I've been on a bit of a sailing game vibe recently, and discovered Sailwind. It's in Early Access, and it's a beautiful little time sink.

Someone said it's Ship of Thieves without the piracy battle stuff but that's a bit unfair, there's shitloads to it.

The sailing model is intuitive and easy to get to grips with, and it behaves much like a real boat. You can even get it to rock by moving from one side to the other.

Best of all it's totally seamless being on and off the boat, no invisible walls (you can, and will, fall off the fucking thing in the middle of the night)

It’s not so much a sailing game as an exploration game, but have you ever played Sunless Sea? Has a really interesting vibe, the whole game is like a fever dream.


@dave I haven't! I will have a look.

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I've been looking for an exploration game. Something between No Man's Sky and the Long Dark.

I just want to roam, ya know?

@threalist @dave Sailwind definitely scratches that itch, it has trade and survival elements but it's about going here and there basically.

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