Hilariously, despite the :revolvertan: test domain not even having a DNS record until very recently, several instances already block it. One guy wrote "free speech / nazis".

There was literally zero software running on it because the domain didn't resolve to anything. That guy blocked it for "free speech / nazis" based on...what, exactly? It was a .club domain that I registered as a joke (hi, :moon:). I posted about it a couple of times and then did nothing with it for like three years. Several people preemptively blocked it by...what, stalking my posts?

@p I mean when you're blocking half of fediverse your timeline is probably really boring as shit. So you have all the time in the world to find more shit to block.

@splitshockvirus I had a post about this but I can't find it. I also can't find the screenshot.

So I'm going to trot this out again:


Honestly if you're not at least make one person mad. You either are fake af or aren't posting anything all that important.

I got mastodong dot socialist users mad because I used hashtags. Fedi cool but A LOT of people on this network got paper thin skin.

@mint @p @splitshockvirus What a fucking great name for a client though. That's not a Nazi client, it's *the* Nazi client.

@sullybiker @mint @splitshockvirus Someone should make a client called "Hitler Tusky" to take the heat off "Husky".

@p @splitshockvirus @mint All of this demonstrates once again that the bar for being called name by insane people is extremely low.

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