I went to the gym very early today and only women were there for the first hour or so. It made me wonder about circadian differences between men and women, so I looked it up and found this interesting info: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1010666108

Maybe I should lift early more often. 🤔

@Antiquixotic That's really interesting. I never thought about it, but did notice I am extremely sensitive to time of day, and it has got worse as I've got older. Around 230pm I might as well just go to sleep.

@Antiquixotic If you look at any cycling forums people talk about this quite a lot, especially the inability to do mornings. Some people just cannot train early in the day.

@sullybiker I prefer early afternoons. Before I became a lifter I was a runner. I hated running early.

@Antiquixotic Do you like it? I used to do a bit of strength training but immunotherapy beat the shit out of my ability to do it, but I could still do cardio if I was properly rested. I need to get back to it.

@sullybiker Yes. It’s the most effective, beneficial form of physical activity, imo. Get back to it. Lifting is the fountain of youth.

@Antiquixotic I have to do *something*, pandemic habits and remission have left me feeling like a bag of shit. I've always had an issue of getting frustrated at the memory of what I could do, when everything is measured.

@sullybiker Do you mean you’re frustrated at your health/fitness levels before compared to now? Don’t let your past take away from how healthy you can be today.

@Antiquixotic Yes, absolutely. You're making complete sense, I just need to get on with it.

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