Random memory: creating a Signal group with my cousins, we suddenly got a notification "Lt. Razzano has entered the chat"

I was like "is this X's spouse's Treksona?" but no... another cousin lived briefly in the States and her old number was still in someone's contacts so they invited it... and it belonged to a temporarily very confused actual person in the US army.

I still think it sounds like a Treksona.

(obviously we kicked him right out and he actually called someone to figure out what the hell happened, which was a wise-ish choice because they could explain it much faster than chaotic cousin chat could)

My assumption that everyone has Treksonas is apparently shaped by my second web social forum, a Trek BBS circa 1999.


@platypus The very first time I saw the internet was in a University of York computer lab in 1994. I remember it because back then it was completely dominated by Trek stuff. So much Trek!

Β· Β· Web Β· 1 Β· 0 Β· 1

@platypus It didn't change aesthetically for such a long time. Simple HTML pages and a lot of writing. I'm nostalgic for it.

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