One of my favourite pictures (taken on my damn phone, not my 1800 dollar DSLR, fml) I was profoundly hungover and went up to the roof to witness this *explosion* of colours. Andalucia, 🇪🇸

This was from the same spot, but back in November 2007, with a Canon 300D which was my first DSLR. The kit lens did really well on that camera.


Again the same spot, but I borrowed my dad's tripod and did some stacked exposures which I then ran through Luminance, a FOSS tone mapper to get a fuller dynamic range in the image. I like the effect and It still looks natural. This is sunset, hence the lighting on the mountain (Veleta is the name)

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This is later, in the 'blue hour', the sun has gone down and there's not much light left. Luminance rendered this one a bit less naturally but it still captures the vibe I wanted.

Ocean Village, Southampton, about 1030 pm on a Summer night. This a stacked exposure run through CS3's HDR tool to bring out a bit more range. I remember grabbing a pint at the bar behind me after this...

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