Another New Metallica Day has come and gone. I kind of suspect this album might take me a decade to fully appreciate, the way St. Anger did.

@sullybiker I can't say whether I think it's good or not yet. I just know I've had a hard time making it all the way through any of the singles this time around.


@nyquildotorg It's all part of shifting tastes; I still enjoy a lot of my old metal faves, but few are anywhere near their peak.

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@sullybiker I'm the weirdo that counts Load and Death Magnetic among my favorites, so my opinion is definitely suspect.

@nyquildotorg Nothing wrong with either. Later (post AJFA) albums tend to get a hard time from fans of the earlier material, but they're all worthy.

@sullybiker AJFA is also in my list of favorites, but my first Metallica album was the black album, so it's not even like I'm one of those fans who didn't want to change.

@nyquildotorg It was a gigantic album, made a lot of fans and the band's fortune. I long since grew out of any snobbery about it.

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