the airport starbucks should get the intercom the people missing their planes aren't here anyway

"john" if he's even real isn't getting on a plane today. those venti ice mochas aren't going to drink themselves, and they are right there.

i used to work with a guy that would download pictures of tahiti or random greek islands or yosemite and post them on facebook from his cube with captions like "livin the dream" and cackle at comments from people named Linda or George that seemed to really believe he was. he wasn't going anywhere. if you're on the airport PA system yelling for some guy that's about to miss a plane, you might as well be yelling for that guy. it's equally effective


@h_thoreson My cousin does this. He's a contractor and is usually in some interesting places, but you never quite know what is true. He's been in Pyongyang at least twice this year according to FB, haha.

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