The mother of a 13-year-old with gender dysphoria has abruptly withdrawn an application seeking a Family Court order to allow the child to take puberty blockers, after trying to have the independent children’s lawyer assigned to the matter thrown off the case. The girl, who is being treated at a Melbourne hospital, “socially transitioned” at the age of four and is seeking medical treatment to put off the onset of puberty. Hospital policy prevents medical treatment from continuing unless a Family Court order is ­obtained, or the girl’s father – who is not involved with the child – consents.

The mother, who is in full support of the treatment, unsuccessfully attempted to have Susan Hamilton-Green, who is the court-appointed independent children’s lawyer, thrown off the case earlier this month.

Ms Hamilton-Green believed the court must further analyse “the risks and the advantages” of the treatment before making a court order in favour. Her barrister, Belle Lane, told the court the “the science isn’t settled” on the treatment of gender dysphoric children………………………………………………………………………

@sullybiker I know, right, this is the vegan cat territory in action, it’s absolutely evil to the core, all of it.


@HebrideanHecate It should *never* have got this far.

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