@sullybiker That's an interesting piece, actually. Never mind the fact they want to drop X11 it's the impact on distros that don't support Wayland. No Gnome for you then?

@dick_turpin I think some of them are well aware of the roadmap and culture of the Gnome team. This reminds me a little of when they made logind a hard dependency which meant systemd. Everyone was annoyed but worked through it.

@sullybiker In one sense, it's a shame. X11 has been a staple for the FOSS community since day one. Still, at least it's not Mir.

@dick_turpin I think it's a bit premature to just drop it, but it's their choice. They do things like this.

@sullybiker A bit concerning for applications which haven't been made Wayland-compatible yet. I'm OK with Wayland session in GNOME but Rawtherapee requires X11 support. At the moment this is just a flatpak permissions tweak but this move would render the application broken.

@neil There's a lot of cases, but this is how they want it to be.

@neil Darktable has (or had) some colour management issues in Wayland. The response for cases like this is always the same: "Your application just needs to be modernised". Dragging the ecosystem in directions that seem whimsical doesn't help anybody.

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