
>The agreement requires one designated gender-affirming medical specialist, an MD, across the prison system. In addition, it requires one gender-affirming mental health specialist at each major prison. Specialists will be available for telehealth consultations at smaller facilities like camps. The settlement requires the state to pay $1.5 million in legal costs, and $300,000 annually for compliance period costs.


@Gelatinousrube I will be joining Musk on his fucking mars suicide rocket gladly at this rate

@sullybiker I liked it ok when crazy was mostly confined to the internet. I keep having little talks with myself about how I need to just go out and live life normally, it's not that bad... Then people get shot up the street from me in broad daylight. I've been using public transit here for almost 30 years... Now there's steady readings of meth and fentanyl smoke on the trains and busses. The looting, the random naked people, the hobo camp fires. It's a lot. I feel lucky to have conversations with a few people who can still find true North.

@Gelatinousrube It's very strange and all happening to fast.

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@sullybiker I wonder if it is fast? Going bankrupt as a society "gradually, then suddenly." I'm wondering if the Great Depression looked like this to those living through it, like this level of literal societal insanity? What was the equivalent of crashing stolen cars into stores to loot then?

I'm sure people were boozing and taking milder drugs than what's rolling now. It sounds like people were trying to find work, not cut off body parts. I don't know if I can read about it. Maybe it would provide insight though.

It's weird to think that for all the additional freedom people had 100 years ago in terms of not being surveiled etc, it seems like they had fewer ways of causing mayhem and hurting themselves. I'm sure I'm looking at it cockeyed through 2023 lenses.

@Gelatinousrube I think people were different. Society was more stratified, much less social safety nets so things like family became absolutely necessary. What scares me most is people's complete detachment from any kind of reality, either moral or physical. It's all feels.

@Gelatinousrube An old friend is a very traditional leftist, and he told me he gave up on it because every piece of work got destroyed by the 'what about group x' brigade. He said they couldn't even get a fucking wall painted without talking about how to correctly decolonize the paint.

@sullybiker I think you're nailing it. Ruled by feelings. And I don't say "facts not feelings" I say we can have a discussion of both sides that can involve feelings. But there's no live and let live--like your friend's murals.

I remember the feeling of witnessing things I disagreed with in public--protest signs, murals, a slogan on a shirt. You'd be annoyed or disgusted and if you were ballsy you'd say something to the person. But I never thought to stop them. Now it's tear everything down and plug your ears.

I was so sad today to hear about people tearing down posters here of missing Israelis. I don't care about sides. You can be cynical and say hanging the posters is a type of protest. I see it as a cry. This person has gone missing and it hurts me so badly I'm going to try to do anything to find them, even from the other side of the world. And then to rip that slender bit of hope off a wall.

Everyone is in batshit, drunken monkey, toddler mode.

i should hang up my Eeyore tail for tonight but thanks for letting me yawp in your direction, appreciate it.

@Gelatinousrube There's also this coliseum aspect to it. It's not enough to chide or disagree, the person must be financially and socially obliterated.

@Gelatinousrube Just a few years ago it was seen as rather naff to do the whole 'unsolicited opinions about Israel' bit. Now everyone screams full bore. Likewise it was seen as a bit dim to throw Nazi around. Now it's weird if you *don't* hear it.

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