The north inner city has been virtually abandoned by the authorities for the past few years. Cops are now rarely seen on the streets there. And that has led to an explosion of criminality verging on anarchy.

In fact, it was only when a 57-year-old American tourist, Stephen Termini, was savagely assaulted by a gang of feral teenagers earlier this year that the increasingly hapless justice minister, Helen McAntee, was embarrassed into increasing patrols in the area – all while claiming the area was safe and she would have no problem walking through the likes of Talbot Street.

So what was our government’s response to the wild scenes on Thursday? A promise to increase the number of cops on the ground? A pledge to increase the social amenities in this crime black spot?

Not at all. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar immediately started playing with one of his favourite toys – Ireland’s ridiculously stringent new hate-crime laws.

The Gardai will then be able immediately to swoop down on the offender who could then face up to five years in jail.

These laws are a crank’s charter and one which will be vigorously and cynically exploited by the myriad victim groups currently infesting Ireland. For example, expressing the belief that biology is biology and that women are adult human females could be perceived as ‘hateful’ by trans activists. Voicing gender-critical beliefs could therefore be classified as a hate crime.


@HebrideanHecate I don't want to live in interesting times anymore

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