I feel a blog post about how the Linux community feels like it denigrates users who have needs that aren't met by the new shiny as fuddy-duddies that need to get with the times.

I'm getting a little tired of it.

This thought brought to you by watching us rewrite the entire init system and the XOrg vs Wayland discussions.


@craigmaloney A couple of years back I saw a reddit thread (I know, I know) denigrating XFCE development for supporting non-systemd deps. The argument this was wasting man hours on deprecated tech and was holding back the environment. Complete and utter bollocks.

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@sullybiker There's something to be said for diffuse vs sharp focus, so I get that. The thing that's troubling is when folks decide for others on what is focused and diffuse.

@craigmaloney That and big-tech interests dragging ecosystems in directions that aren't positive, and doing so under the guise of progress.

@craigmaloney FOSS needs to reckon more with the hard fact that it can be steered, that might is all too often right.

@craigmaloney There is, for similar reasons, a fixation on the new, with no evaluation as to whether it is a good thing or not. All progress involves change, but not all change is progress.

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