medical, insurance, usa 

Insurance isn't going to pay for the PET scan tomorrow, so I don't have a PET scan tomorrow.

Now I get to call insurance to find out why they decided I don't have a PET scan tomorrow.

Cadillac health system, where by Cadillac I mean constantly in the shop requiring expensive parts.

Note: This is not the place, time, or what-have-you to let me know that the rest of the world's healthcare works. We get it.

medical, insurance, usa 

@craigmaloney Been there. Best of luck with it.

medical, insurance, usa 

@sullybiker @craigmaloney Same. Sorry you've been denied the PET scan. All the best Andy

re: medical, insurance, usa 

@andyc @sullybiker Well, it's "for now" until they can send over the proper paperwork for the authorization.

Still a bit of a pain though.

re: medical, insurance, usa 

@craigmaloney @andyc It always felt ethically very dodgy to me that an insurer decides standards of care. You need the scan, you should get it.

re: medical, insurance, usa 

@sullybiker @craigmaloney

Yes. In 2012, I needed experimental radiotherapy treatment (Cyberknife - robot, highly targeted) that was not officially approved by the NHS in the UK (in clinical trials).

The expensive request got questioned (not rejected) but my consultant reassured me,.

'It's approved. I told them "If Mr. Brightside dies within the next 5 years due to his cancer diagnosis, you will be facing a sizeable law suit".


re: medical, insurance, usa 

@andyc @craigmaloney I had to have a tumour analysed by a specialist lab - I knew nothing about this - and my insurer classed this as 'experimental' and passed me a bill for $6000. I argued that the lab analysis dictated my treatment - to no avail - the lab themselves let me off the hook.

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re: medical, insurance, usa 

@andyc @craigmaloney The bottom line is that I survived something with only about 20% survivability so I alway keep that in mind, and yet...

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