Our criminal justice system has seen male rapists named in court documents as women, and male inmates sent to women's prisons. Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner @_Lisa_Townsend joined @jo_bartosch to talk about her fight against gender “self-ID


Lisa Townsend, Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner, joins Jo Bartosch to discuss attempts to have her removed from her position for opposing the principle of “self-ID”, and to talk about how ideology can damage institutions


@HebrideanHecate Ideology does not damage institutions. It destroys them.

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@sullybiker https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/01/01/council-to-check-lgbt-credentials-of-firms-before-hiring/

A London council has demanded that companies in its supply chain prove their commitment to approved LGBT inclusion values.

Labour-run Camden Council has introduced a range of measures to ensure that its internal policies and processes are inclusive.

Camden will use its “position of power” to insist that outside businesses demonstrate their commitment to approved values in order to be commissioned.

According to information from the local authority, it is aiming to “positively influence” through the policy. It states that “building our commitment to LGBTQ+ equality into our procurement processes” has been one of the ways in which it has sought to be more inclusive.


@sullybiker https://nitter.net/GenderReceipts/status/1742846142415561164#m

The @PostOffice which caused devastation when hundreds of sub-postmasters were wrongly prosecuted, is a trans activist organisation linked to Stonewall & believes the same sex attracted have no right to exist without trans identified people. #LGBWithoutTheT #PostOfficeScandal

@HebrideanHecate They're going to fuck their pencil supplier off because they don't have enough staff that represent less than 1% of the population? That's smart.

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