
The 737 Max-9 hasn't been assembled properly. You can bet it's not just the plug door. What a mess. Boeing used to know how to do this, then capital took over. Outsource your manufacturing and QA, see what happens.

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You don't have to be an Ayn Rand fanboy to appreciate how well she described how society slowly breaks to pieces under the weight of what we call "leftist" ideas.

Maybe because she lived through it.

But society doesn't break apart in a moment. It slowly corrodes; one decision at a time. Once it becomes more important to avoid thought crime than do the right thing, a series of responsibility avoidance over a long time frame across a large number of people leads to a blown out window. It isn't a random event. It's a chain reaction of decaying society where everyone is just looking out for themselves and the highest goal is avoiding responsibility and virtue signaling rather than pride in the best tool you can make, and the best designs, and the best windows, and the best workmanship, and pride in a plane that can fly.
I too lived through Soviet occupation, and I tell you Rand was just as delusional as the characters in the garbage she wrote.

If Rand was correct at any grade Chinese Communism, the EU, North Korea, others would have collapsed a long time ago.

The fact is, mediocre political and economical systems linger on forever, there is no "collapse".

Rand was a puritan, an idealist and a bad one even for that.
> Chinese Communism

China may be authoritarian, but show me an example of communism in modern China. In many ways it is more capitalist than the West. You just become a target once you're successful.
Soviet-style communism is still Western, while Chinese-style Communism is Asian.

Your argument is basically saying not every insect is a bug, but all bugs are insects. Not every Authoritarian Regime is communist, but all Communist regime is authoritarian.

Sure, there is Islam more authoritarian than any communist regime in the past, and while the "cultural revolution", the "color revolution", and other subversive efforts come and go - Islam keeps its own version forever.

China is Communist because its central planning. The same nonsense the Biden regime is doing with Climate Change, COVID responses, border policies and with countless other. Here in the USA the power and the arrogance of the Federal government is slowly converting the USA into Communism.

@FourOh-LLC @threalist I think it's simply a case of how systems and organizations break down and normalize bad practice. It seems to happen everywhere. Competence becomes devalued and even viewed with suspicion.

Yes, something like that.

If you pay attention you realize that ChatGPT simply unable to draw definitive conclusions. For example, it keeps insisting that battery technologies going to improve forever, never going to plateau out. It will ignore Ohms law, and the fact that increasing the output to megajoules would require copper conductors thick as a tree-trunk. It simply cannot admit that there is a dead-stop as the rules of physics nears the infinite.

It should be ridiculed for this - but its not, nobody points this out.

@FourOh-LLC @threalist Because they don't know better. That's the real horror of AI.

@FourOh-LLC @threalist This reminds me of that Bing AI answer about throwing your car battery into the sea, how it is a good thing because it can 'recharge the Gulf Stream'.

@FourOh-LLC @threalist "Too often officials are willing to accept and adapt to situations they know to be wrong. The tendency is to downplay problems instead of actively trying to correct them. Recognizing this, many subordinates give up, contain their views within themselves, and wait for others to take action."

I would not know - I'm an engineer not a manager. I have the easiest job on the planet, I work with data not with people.
@sullybiker its cool I'm already used to having to slam the door a few times on spirit air before they wrap the old coat hanger around it to hold it closed (I pay the coat hanger fee sometimes)
@sullybiker yah that pilot fee do be expensive tho. Just easier to set up it up from cold and dark on my own. Shout out to business class for helping me during the push back (we will come back for u tomorrow)
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