Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of ignoring disgruntled locals living in her Govanhill constituency whose bins have not been emptied for a month. Raging residents claim that rats and mice are targeting rubbish bags which are piling high in back courts in the region.

And complaints have also been made about another SNP heartland in Glasgow, Shettleston, with the GMB Union saying that there is a "health environmental crisis" due to the amount of waste and recycling being dumped there. The region has a nationalist MP and MSP in David Linden and John Mason.

“I stopped Nicola Sturgeon in the street a while back about it but she told me she doesn’t like to be confronted. I’ve contacted her several times since but I haven’t even had a response from her secretary.”


@HebrideanHecate I'll use that line next time I am asked about something that is my responsibility. Who the hell do these people work for?

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@sullybiker Exactly, they are a disgrace, the arrogance is off the charts, I loathe them all, but that one really needs to have her collar felt.

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