reminder that it would be cheaper for the US govt to pay for your medical care than it is for them to pay insurance corporations to deny your medical care

@seachanger It's a very weird feeling when your oncologist says to you "We are just waiting for insurance approval" for a treatment. So the insurer dictates standards of care. That is incredibly dangerous imho.

@sullybiker as I’ve noted before, when I went through cancer treatment I spent far more time on the phone fighting the insurance company than I did talking to my doctors about my treatment. I was wrongly charged for my lumpectomy, mastectomy, and chemo and had to fight hard to get coverage for all three


@seachanger I had to have a tumor identified by a specialist lab. I got no say in any of this, it was done without my knowledge - and I had no problem with them trying to help me. The insurer declined payment as it was 'experimental'.

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