HT to @wdormann here - somebody has backdoored the open source project XZ which has downstream impacts.

For example, although OpenSSH doesn’t use XZ, Debian patch OpenSSH and introduced a dependency which translates as the XZ changes introducing a sshd authentication bypass backdoor it appears.

One dude bothered to investigate in his free time about why ssh was running slow, so it was caught fairly early - i.e. hopefully before distros started bundling it.

Worryingly it looks like the backdoor comes via one of the two main devs and dates back over a month from their GitHub account, with legit commits too - XZ is used in systemd so this one might play out for a while.

I suspect distros probably want to roll XZ back to around January 2024, stop bundling updates until the developer is removed in GitHub or a logical explanation can be given, and somebody needs to fund a code review of it.

Postgre developer @AndresFreundTec saving Linux security from backdoors as a side of desk activity

The person/account on XZ repo also altered the security disclosure policy on that and other repos they author in months prior.

Interesting find by @fuomag9 - the XZ repo person tried getting Ubuntu to update yesterday by filing a bug report

The Twilight zone time - a bug from 2015 comes back around in XZ incident, it appears

Back in 2022 a host of characters appeared and basically bullied the creator of the XZ project to hand it over to somebody else - at the time the guy cited mental health issues around not updating the project quickly.

At the time he was already talking about maybe handing over to the account who years later introduced the backdoor.

In mid 2023 said account introduced a change to Google’s OSS Fuzzer to weaken detection for XZ.

Somebody played a years long game of Jenga and lost.

Before everybody high fives each other, this is how the backdoor was found: somebody happened to look at why CPU usage had increased in sshd, and did all the research and notification work themselves. By this point the backdoor had been there for a month unnoticed.

I’ve made the joke before that if GCHQ aren’t introducing backdoors and vulns in open source that I want a tax refund. It wasn’t a joke. And it won’t be just be GCHQ.

Another two thoughts on XZ -

- sshd itself has no dependency on the XZ utils library. The streams got crossed in a way I don’t think anybody understood (except the threat actor).

- had that backdoor been performant with sshd, I don’t think anybody would have spotted it.

The way this played out opens a window of opportunity to go back and look at both issues.

Really good timeline of what is known to have happened so far. It looks like the rogue developer deliberately introduced a vulnerability in other package, too - I haven’t seen anybody else mention this.

Reading the dev’s GitHub history, they’ve been making changes to other open source projects too around compression. It also appears they/somebody involved has other accounts, too.

How far the rabbit hole goes - back in 2021 they deliberately introduced an obvious vulnerability in the compression library libarchive. Nobody noticed. This is shipped in a ton of systems:

Whoever the threat actor is knows what they are doing as they’ve gone after chained dependencies around compression.

If anybody thinks this kind of thing is unique, it isn’t.

Example - CVE-2021-44529 in Ivanti Endpoint Manager. The cause?

Backdoor in open source code, was there for 7 years.

XZ Embedded Linux kernel module for IoT devices, 10 days ago had a change submitted to add Jia Tan as a maintainer.

Linux kernel documentation:

Also since there’s a lot going on here, up thread I mentioned a 2015 minor bug in Google’s OSS Fuzzer (security testing tool) - the threat actor deliberately introduced the bugged function into XZ, then used that to get an exception in OSS Fuzzer’s code to stop scanning of XZ.

I’ve just been looking at the actual backdoor for a few hours with greater minds than me, it’s incredibly complex - it basically piggy backs RSA key RCE inside sshd as a Trojan horse. Somebody/bodies spent $$ on this.

Also, to be super clear nobody should panic as the Postgres developer who found this basically caught it quick enough that almost no businesses or devices will be running the code.

So everybody should be chill about this specific issue as that guy saved everybody’s bacon.

To give an idea of the scale of OpenSSH usage, it’s absolutely huge, it dwarfs RDP by a huge margin (think ten times), and had this survived for a long period of time it would have been unbelievably bad.

The sshd backdoor in #XZ is just way beyond my technical ability. There’s so much there, I imagine more than a few conference talks are going to be submitted for it.

My amateur hour view is it’s really well put together (eg you can only execute commands if you have a private key that only the attacker has) and appears to allow remote removal of the backdoor, too. There’s a whole bunch of features which I’m too dumb to get.

Also for me, performance isn’t that bad - I wouldn’t have noticed it.


@GossiTheDog It seems like deep supply chain attacks like this are going to be the thing for a while. This whole business is just totally depressing.

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