A 13-year-old Muslim girl was beaten unconscious outside her school gates in Montpellier in southern France on Tuesday. Her mother says she was attacked because of her religion but on this occasion most of the mainstream media has baulked at reporting the story.

That’s because Samara was a Muslim who didn’t follow her religion the way many of her classmates did. ‘My daughter dresses in European style,’ said her mother, Hassiba. ‘They called her a kafir, which means miscreant.’

The truth is that the Republic is as scared as its teachers Samara was also called names because she refused to wear her hair under a headscarf. She was proud of her hair. She dyed it red because it made her feel ‘free’. Her courage has been brutally punished. One of her alleged attackers was a teenage girl in a headscarf.

I first wrote about this phenomenon in these pages eight years ago. I felt compelled to correct those in the British and American press who were indignant about the fact that France had banned the burkini from its beaches. In that article I gave some examples of young French Muslims – all women – who had been set upon by ‘the police of mores’. My anger was wasted. In countries across the West, foolish progressive types continue to virtue signal their support of Islamic dress. As the EU-funded Council of Europe put it in a promotional campaign in 2021 for the headscarf. ‘Beauty is in diversity as freedom is in hijab’. Tell that to Samara.

The truth is that the Republic is as scared as its teachers. Occasionally, one of my wife’s pupils arrives in the classroom wearing a headscarf. She removes it when asked. This week my wife had a chat with one of her pupils about the headscarf. The girl said she wears it because it’s in the Coran. Had she read the Coran? No, but she and her friends receive messages from influencers on TikTok who tell them that the headscarf is the sign of a good Muslim. It’s never the parents who tell the girls this – it’s social media.

New-to-me spelling. Is that what’s used in France?


@Flick I used to work with a lot of Muslim students in the UK and the vast majority were not observant at all, but they wore the headscarf because they were told to. Some of the girls had extremely heated relationships with their family; one of them became an exotic dancer and it was this huge scandal.

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@Flick She was very obviously rebelling against the fact it was expected that she would be married off and pump out children.

@Flick I knew something was up when her regular acquaintance - a very quiet and quite sweet girl - referred to her as 'that whore'. Those weren't her words. It was obvious.

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