This is not a match between intellectual equals: it’s Kirstie’s jolly hockey stick against Joanne’s world-bestselling-author flamethrower. “People like you who now claim there’s never been any attempt to stifle debate are part of the reason this mess happened in the first place,” rages Rowling, “If you want to remain in a state of blithe unconcern, fine, but don’t tell those in the trenches they’re making a fuss about nothing.” Translation: Stick to your cushions, you posh dope.

The choice of “trenches” is revealing, I think. Rowling and other gender critical campaigners have been at war against an enemy so ruthless it thought the medicated, mutilated bodies of teenagers, who may simply have been gay, autistic or just anxious, was a price worth paying to impose its warped creed on the world. (Yes, Stonewall and Mermaids, I mean you.)

Now that Hilary Cass has decreed the evidence for such life-changing interventions was “weak” all the cowardly colluders – Labour MPs, Cabinet ministers, doctors, therapists, broadcasters, actors, comedians – are claiming that they knew that all along. Behold a Tour de France of backpedalling.


@HebrideanHecate Did Kirstie miss the part where women have actually been arrested?

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