Reverend Sue Parfitt, 82, and Judy Bruce, 85, a retired biology teacher, targeted the glass enclosure around the historic document on Friday.

The pair then held up a sign reading "The Government is breaking the law" before gluing themselves to the display, footage posted online shows.

The British Library said security had "intervened to prevent further damage".

The Metropolitan Police said two people had been taken into custody having been arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage.

@Flick FFS! I despise these idiots as much as the 20 year olds throwing soup and orange paint. They should know that this is not the right way to protest and will achieve little other than possibly getting them a criminal record.

I suspect the JSO organisers have encouraged them so they can turn them into martyrs, and no doubt hoping that people will be more sympathetic to grey haired pensioners called Sue and Judy than the usual youthful Rufus and Ophelias that they usually send out.

@macha Something something no need for trial by jury if they disapprove of the Magna Carta something something.


@Flick @macha They're doing their cause huge damage. All that will come of this is they'll start getting brutally repressed, and people will cheer.

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