Just when the dog gets over being lame….

Pretty sure it’s her left leg — she was holding it up a bit — but no sign of wound or swelling, and it moved freely when I had a feel.

I carried her to bed (thankfully the others didn’t decide to play a fun game of patio chase this evening), will see how she looks in the morning.

@HebrideanHecate And if dogs and cats are hard to diagnose….

I wonder if I still have the conversion factor I once laboriously calculated for dosing a duck with dog-strength metacam?

@HebrideanHecate Yes, proper old-school Herriot-style place.

(And I do still have the calculation I did: about the same as an 18kg dog! I remembered it was shockingly high, but I am still shocked.)


@Flick @HebrideanHecate Hopefully it'll be well and happily honking soon enough.

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