Can't remember if posted this before or not, cousin sent me copy of it, me as a child with the Anarchist dog and Sooty. Someone had been at my fringe by the look of it!

@sullybiker God, that's nothing to what happened a couple of years earlier!

Mother took me to newly qualified hairdresser, my hair was long, she was fed up with the tangles, this woman was working out of one of the rooms in the hotel, mother left me and went out for a smoke. Came back and found me shorn and looking like the rats had bitten it! My God, what a sight, she knew it but was also feeling bad and not for admitting it, Granny went bananas when we got home, what the hell has happened to the child, I'm snivelling and bawling, cousins gawping, aunt clucking, mother grim. Fun days.


@HebrideanHecate Girls and their hair. I have 3 sisters and I got to hear (hair?) all about it. The failed trips the the hairdresser; the disastrous home cuts by mum...

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