Microsoft Recovery Tool available now, with instructions to assist with the Crowdstrike issue impacting Windows endpoints.

This will require physical access & 1GB USB. You will need admin rights (+ access to the Bitlocker key, if Bitlocker is in place).

@girlgerms It was bitlocker that caused us the most problems. For whatever reason (one we obviously have to look into) we did not have all the keys recoverable. Luckily in each case this happened it was a simple workstation.


@girlgerms This process is very old-school, I kind of liked that side of it honestly. We all got our steps in yesterday...

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@sullybiker @girlgerms @Compuguy @cm @GossiTheDog It is possible to get around bitlocker without the key (passcode is needed). If you’re still looking up recovery keys, or goddess forbid reimaging, I can share our steps.

@girlgerms @sullybiker @Compuguy @cm yep, pretty close to the same steps we used. Only difference was we allowed safe boot network instead of minimal so we could establish a remote connection if the user had problems and were not physically in front of us.

@Archnemysis @girlgerms @Compuguy @cm Our local accounts are such a mess having access to the domain made life a lot easier. On all the managed employee issued laptops it was no problem, the servers with countless different origin stories...not so much.

@sullybiker @Archnemysis @Compuguy @cm This is it. Folks who have really good security are the ones suffering right now. Those who are a how they do things are finding life easier. It sucks.

@Archnemysis @girlgerms @Compuguy @cm lol if only I had known yesterday. It wasn't too bad. mostly the time wasted head scratching.

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