OK folk answer me this. Why as a constant #Linux user since the early 90's do I keep leaning towards #BSD ? Yeah I'm going to use it on my homelab but i keep yearning for it to be my daily driver too. Is it an age thing and if so does this happen to most Linux users in later life ? I feel like Eve wanting to taste the forbidden fruit if that makes any sense at all ? 😂 :freebsd:
#RunBSD #FreeBSD

@justine, I embraced Linux at the same time you did. And I'm embracing FreeBSD. Is it an age thing? Maybe. I'm not young anymore 🥺 🙈

But I'm switching to FreeBSD because:

1. I wanted to go back to my roots, and I love learning Operating Systems 🤷‍♀️ I started learning IBM MVS before someone nudged me to FreeBSD.

2. I'm a bit tired of some overcomplications brought to Linux. Not that I cannot handle them technically. I feel Linux has been bloated by tech companies wanting to push their agenda. It's ok for work, but ... for my pleasure? I know this is a controversial topic.

3. This is probably because it is an age thing related to the former point. I'm tired of "fighting" wars, at least in my spare time. I don't want to attend conferences where people want to show off (I do that for work, but please not in my spare time). A classical phrase from this old lady is "just leave me alone and let me enjoy the technology."


@tara @justine I like the order and practicality of OpenBSD. Linux has actually become very complex, and I don't think it's all a good thing.

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