Today's #UsedCarShopping: Citroën C5 1.6 HDI 8V. Sadly without the legendary hydropneumatic suspension, but still a very smooth ride and we didn't have to look long in Vilnius to find a bad road to test on.

Little rust, crashed front (fixable) and pockmarked by hail (fine for the low price).

Semi-automatic gearbox and clutch were ok, with some sluggish decision making. Not a sporty ride, but comfy.

Alas, the engine is leaking oil left and right, probably from the head gasket ☹️

#Car #Citroen


@yngmar It might just be the valve cover, unless the oil has coolant in it.

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@sullybiker It was hard to figure in a rainy parking lot with a lot of old oil smear everywhere, but it seemed to come from high up but not that high. And literally on both sides. Forgot my mirror, that didn't help.

With us buying an old farm very soon, I don't want to spend a lot of time fixing up another car. Probably will have to be a bit less stingy! 😬

@yngmar Head gasket problems are a giant pain in the ass. Better to walk.

@sullybiker Yup, that and the set of extra winter tyres that turned out to be junk made me think the same.


"A feature of the motors of this series are frequent oil leaks from under the valve cover. Also, often antifreeze oozes out of the oil filter heat exchanger gasket."

Well, probably that then. There was something leaking from the oil cooler as well, but it mixed with the rest of the mess.

Having just watched a video, the alternator and aircon compressor have to come off for the valve cover because designers. Big meh.

@yngmar If only everything was like marine diesel

@sullybiker If only it were all sitting on a goddamn workbench in front of me, not kneeling in prayer position in front of a diesel engine while banging my head on the furniture. And that was on one of the more accessible boat designs!

At least our marine diesel was quite simple and made few problems. Good old Perkins (with Volvo paintjob).

@yngmar you just made me think of sail drive (shudder...)

@yngmar "Changing this will be easy!) 3 days later..

@sullybiker Saildrives are easy! Once you have them out of the boat, that is 🤣

Okay, getting the prop shaft housing open the first time did involve me wandering into the local Volvo workshop with the thing under my arm, asking if they had a slide hammer, as per the workshop manual, as I didn't want to harm the very precious parts. He laughed and cold chiseled it open 🤷‍♂️

@yngmar I helped someone with theirs and I remember a lot of hassle getting the transmission off the engine. Yours was a lot cleaner than theirs...

@yngmar I remember thinking what a massive hole in the hull it was, like a toilet fitting

@sullybiker Yeah, that was indeed the fun part! Had to pull the engine forward and not drop the rear end into the bilge, because I'd never get it picked back up if I did.

Also, the thing is _heavy_.

@yngmar At least they're not so fussy with alignment like a shaft fitting.

@yngmar It is one of those things where you think "It cannot possibly need this much force".

@sullybiker After some boat ownership, you get a really good feel for when to say "that's about to snap off" while undoing crusty bolts.

And also "told ya" after they then do.

@yngmar I can still feel my back tightening when I think of a bolt just losing all resistance as the thread in the block gives up.

@yngmar My wife's car has a V6. The rear bank of spark plugs require removal of the intake plenum...

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