ph-, teeth 

Well crap, it looks like this somewhat worse bruxism situation than usual was not just that, or caused some real issues this time. That molar that was very heat and cold sensitive the past few days now intermittently hurts, there's some swelling on that side of my face and I have diffuse pain that I first thought was ear related but which I fear is rather from that tooth.

Will ring up my dentist first thing tomorrow. Might need my first root canal 😕

Wish me luck.

ph-, teeth 

Well, the good news is that the tooth is still very much alive indeed, and it might still recover on its own. I'm one quick call to my dentist away from getting a root canal, if push comes to shove even after hours, but for now he suggested to give it a fighting chance and monitor it closely over the next few hours or days.

Fun fact: I mistook the pain's location, I thought it was its direct neighbour, but the vitality test triggered HARD and clarified things. Go figure.

ph~, teeth 

Just did a vitality test myself (tweezers, cotton wool, cold water) and the tooth is still alive. But less sensitive again to cold. Which seems to be a good thing. Getting my hopes up that it's going to survive after all. Of course, now it's a tad angry thanks to the quick test, but the night was calm.

What's a real issue though is that ear pain that seems to actually come from my jaw. Thus not supposed to chew or talk much. Which just nuked some plans for the week. Hmpf.


The tooth is definitely calming down but still alive. I still hope that's a good sign.

The ear pain got really annoying yesterday, so I decided to treat this as if it was an otitis: lots of rest and fluids, and wearing a hat to keep it warm. That seems to have helped, way less pain. Like, a completely different league than yesterday.

Who knows, maybe I misjudged and this was not my jaw but my ear after all 🤷‍♀️

In any case, I'm cautiously optimistic.



@foosel I had surgery on my neck and during recovery I had a lot of tooth pain, but it was all nerve trickery. Slowly it moved around the mouth and to the jaw. Get well soon, hope you don't need any further intervention.

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