Any opinions on what I might find to be the least-irritating non-JavaScript static site generator?

I think I played with Jekyll at one point and eventually tableflipped because the documentation for actually building a theme with it was so terrible. I have lots of experience figuring out theme/template systems from scratch, but if I remember correctly, I kept running into it being convention-based, where you just had to name stuff right to get it to show up and it was maddening.

Anyway, hit me with your recommendation for one
if you've actually successfully built your own look at feel with it.

Preferably no dependency management tools involved, thanks. I don't want to fetch a ton of software packages published by randos who may or may not even be the person who wrote the software, as well as all the packages those people say I need. (Over and over to infinity.)


@nyquildotorg They're definitely not by the person that wrote the software

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