Anybody happen to have a bookmark for something that walks you through maintaining/migrating/restoring your #PostgreSQL setup through an #Ubuntu LTS release upgrade?

I've tried to work/stumble my way through it like 3 or 4 times now, I keep restoring the snapshot, and I think I might be ready for some "follow these steps you idiot" instructions.

This is exactly why I do not like using non-rolling release distros anymore. The upgrades are so painful. And it's driving me crazy that there doesn't seem to be any kind of clearly documented procedure that I can find for upgrading from 22.04 to 24.04 when you have postgresql installed.

Ubuntu's easy to install and use out of the box, sure. But once you want to start using more up to date packages or need to do a release upgrade, it's honestly pretty terrible. And not beginner friendly at all.


@finner Usually if the postgres (or any package) is from the standard apt repos it should be straightforward. Do-release-upgrade is quite aggressive; if it can't upgrade pg, the worst case might be you'll have to reinstall it.

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@sullybiker yeah it's requiring postgresql to be uninstalled before it lets you proceed. I think the last time I was missing/forgetting exactly how I had postgresql setup prior to the upgrade, so my apps were having trouble connecting. Need to sort that out next.

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