☀️Good morning everyone and goats, happy Monday!

Off this morning for a 7am laser zapping of my right eye. It will sure be nice to see again out of both eyes all at the same time!

First though, a quick shower, wafer change, feed the animals and eat breakfast. I think I can get all that done in an hour 😁

@sullybiker Yes, 1 year after cataract surgery. Laser surgery that lasted about 2 minutes total. Was less than an hour from my house to the eye center and back home!

@GoatsLive Yes I had the same thing. The drop in acuity was precipitous. The laser was a big relief.

@sullybiker I was just about completely blind in my left eye a year after the cataract surgery, and my right was progressively getting worse by the day. It was like looking through gauze bandages! 20/20 now in both 😁


@GoatsLive I suddenly lost the ability to read print, it was quite insidious, the scar buildup was small but in exactly the right place to completely knacker refraction.

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