@LambdaCalculus I had a Samsung at one time that looked a lot like that Nokia, not sure what model it was. The slider form factor needs to make a comeback.

@BustaMarx I hate that practically every modern smartphone is just a black slab, and you can only tell which is which by a logo on the back.

Homogenization is a terrible design choice, and you can definitely blame Apple for that; everyone saw the iPhone and collectively went "ME TOOOOOOOOOOOO"

@LambdaCalculus Yup. Stupid iPhones.
I mean in some respect the Ives/Jobs design language was sleek and elegant, especially for it's time, but holy shit is it played-out and boring now. I want things with actual fucking knobs and buttons again.

@BustaMarx @LambdaCalculus Getting rid of the Home button was the point of no return. It was the “Don’t Panic” button: no matter what the phone was doing, hit the button and start from the beginning, it was the iPhone’s heart and soul.

Sacrificing that in the name of screen space and thinness is Tim Cook’s tell: the guy cares more about the clean cardboard boxes than the things in the box

@sullybiker @flyingsaceur @BustaMarx Yeah, because Android phones had to copy the slab design of the iPhone to stay relevant.

Stupid move.

@LambdaCalculus @sullybiker @flyingsaceur Case in point, when my wife and I are in the kitchen together, we will routinely pick up each others phones by mistake. Mine is significantly heavier and thicker but at a glance they are identical.

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