Jesus, or at least a model paid to look like Him, says The Wall Street Journal is in demand in Utah. Religious folk hire them for family portraits, Christmas cards, and even wedding photos. Bob Sagers began his “side hustle as a saviour” after a photographer approached him and pointed out his Christ-like credentials. He and other lookalikes can charge up to $200 an hour to pose with children, families, and couples, often in religious settings: on salt flats, for example, as if walking on water.


@kibcol1049 I misread that for a moment as Jesus flogging the WSJ, which I did not recall from the bible.

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@sullybiker @kibcol1049 "Jesus running the Jesus impersonators out of the Temple"

@sullybiker @kibcol1049
Given his reaction to the money changers in the temple, had the WSJ existed at that time, a good flogging would not be out of character.

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