
It took me using Gmail for work to really make me start to hate it

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@sullybiker amazing how you word for word tooted something I was angrily thinking in the bath 10 minutes ago

@nuala I could hear you cursing and splashing about all the way across the Atlantic

@sullybiker ok, that's because I'm using Gmail and I didn't know I had that setting turned on or how to turn it off

@sullybiker did you ever watch that doctor who episode where the plot was that they were trapped in a spaceship and there was some weird parasite that would jump from person to person, firstly repeating someone else's words back to them, then repeating at the same time then saying them in advance? Well it's in the Gmail system

@nuala Yeah I had a professor going nuts about it doing this. Shite compose or whatever it's called.

@sullybiker whatever update they applied to it recently at our place actually made it even worse, which I didn't really think was possible.

@sullybiker now the next/last buttons are cropped by the calendar on my work laptop. have to go back to inbox every time and select the next one, or close the calendar, it's driving me insane.

@Pipski I don't know what it is about their layout and styling, but it isn't easy to scan quickly. I lose so much stuff because the inbox pane is shite.

@Pipski "You can use labels" Well, I can also eat my own shit. Alas...

@sullybiker i have to label every single email i receive to avoid it getting auto-deleted in 3 months. so every single one is tagged 'email'

@sullybiker also, it's illegal for me to delete my emails.

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