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i struggle with the economics of the John Wick universe, per which a gold coin can either pay for an indefinite stay in a hotel or two drinks in its bar.

I'm afraid it's the dudes, your Excellency - they're "rocking."

(one where he was breathing fire and one of him shooting down helicopters with his laser eyes)

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Just remembered, apropos of nothing that as a very small child inspired by the Godzilla cartoon series, I drew two pictures of Godzilla and insisted on posting them to the BBC. I drew the Tyne Tees logo in the corner of each one though, and now I can't remember whether that show was on the BBC or ITV. If the latter it must have seemed extra bizarre to whoever opened that envelope.

gd it, Teenage Engineering stopped selling the PO-80. anyone got one they don't want?

Pipski boosted

In the year of our Lord 2022 my ten year old WiFi light bulbs declared I need to register them online if I want to keep using them.

Finally picked up Terra Invicta. It's Xcom crossed with Millennium Dawn crossed with KSP. God help me, I just played it for 8 straight hours.

idk why the closed captioning keeps so confidently asserting '[Music] foreign' though.

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@sullybiker it's the poor desperate fuckers in places like Haiti getting talked into throwing everything into crypto i reserve my sympathy for though.

@sullybiker sure, but it's startling how their ability to weigh evidence, judge cause and effect etc. just goes out the fucking window when they get promised something for nothing. I guess that's at the heart of every Ponzi scheme though.

@sullybiker keep encountering otherwise rational, reasonable people at work, generally sensible decision makers, who've got sucked into it, too. (now all pretty remorseful.)

Gotta admit, I am enjoying Ace Combat 7's Saturday morning cartoon kinda feel. @sullybiker never did manage to remember the name of the Quake mod we used to use, with the black hole grenades, cans of beans, and grappling hook.

@sullybiker yeah, sparkie husband of a lass i worked w/ did it as a special job. kept it for years. might still have it somewhere...

@sullybiker indeed. I had to have a 20m null modem cable specially made so we could string it round the outside of the house, remember?

Need one of these for high speed low drag tactical commuting to work

@sullybiker you should get a podiatrist as well, for the full experience. then you get to hear all about how actually you walk like an idiot, an idiot baby, a real dolt in fact, whose shoes are all bad and wrong as well.

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