I have no idea how genuine this is, but it's more fun to assume it is. https://youtu.be/jnQ0zEQPu_A
this is so fucked up. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-64710899
@mwichary@mastodon.online some really off-the-wall options, there. :-) Did you ever encounter - I forget the name, but in the late 80s there was a brief interest in a 5-button typing system where each letter was produced through a combo of buttons? The vowels were 1 button each and the combos for others were supposed to vaguely resemble the shape of each letter. Never really took off afaik.
@sullybiker also, it's illegal for me to delete my emails.
@sullybiker i have to label every single email i receive to avoid it getting auto-deleted in 3 months. so every single one is tagged 'email'
@sullybiker now the next/last buttons are cropped by the calendar on my work laptop. have to go back to inbox every time and select the next one, or close the calendar, it's driving me insane.
@sullybiker whatever update they applied to it recently at our place actually made it even worse, which I didn't really think was possible.
Bio. Bi-i-i-o. I want a bio and I want one now.