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Why actually do so many Chinese films feature a character called Fatso?

rewatching Les Chevaliers du ciel, because in my heart I believe that -- in France -- a stripper *can* become a fighter pilot.

Alien Code is really, really good. Underrated little film that flew under my radar until now, but proper enjoyed it.

The new Ground Branch community beta is superb.

Adobe Lightroom: an icon I like to keep around so I can click on it a few times / year, stare uncomprehendingly at the result, then close it again without ever figuring out what the hell it's meant to be.

I really hate how Android forces you to set a default browser now, instead of asking which app to open links with if you don't. And if you do clear your default it just uses Chrome, which is never, ever the right answer.

@sullybiker happy birthday dude! :-) hope you're having a good one

Now begins the traditional 'trying to fix the intractable sodding software problems with everyone's new devices' part of the season.

Steam sales are a lot more boring now they just stick them all up at once and leave them static for 2 weeks.

wrapping presents is such a gd chore. why can't I just blindfold the recipients instead?

maybe it's intentional, like an economic equivalent of the Overlook's impossible geometry, to distract the viewer from how shitty the rest of the plot and setting are.

and yet a hit on the most dangerous dude in the world, who eats entire battalions of professional hitmen for breakfast, only runs $7m.

i struggle with the economics of the John Wick universe, per which a gold coin can either pay for an indefinite stay in a hotel or two drinks in its bar.

I'm afraid it's the dudes, your Excellency - they're "rocking."

(one where he was breathing fire and one of him shooting down helicopters with his laser eyes)

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Just remembered, apropos of nothing that as a very small child inspired by the Godzilla cartoon series, I drew two pictures of Godzilla and insisted on posting them to the BBC. I drew the Tyne Tees logo in the corner of each one though, and now I can't remember whether that show was on the BBC or ITV. If the latter it must have seemed extra bizarre to whoever opened that envelope.

gd it, Teenage Engineering stopped selling the PO-80. anyone got one they don't want?

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