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Reserving tables in the pub is such a rugby fan thing to do. I don't approve of it; it shouldn't be allowed.

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The winners of this year's "Small World" micro-photo competition are out. I'm especially intrigued by this astonishing shot: a struck match, caught at the exact moment of ignition.
(It ended up in second place, go figure.) #science #photography

@sullybiker see, they could easily have gone with Professor Honeydew. "I'm tickled pink to annoumce that this car is due a service. At Muppet Labs."

@sullybiker designers focus too much on making AI assistanta sound nice. I want one like Orac, that sounds like it smokes 50 / day and has a personality disorder.

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@h_thoreson you all got distracted by cronuts at the crucial moment and then it was suddenly too late

It's wild how horrible the camera in BG3 is. Also how many obvious bugs it has after so long in EA. Plus, the story is pretty awful imho.

About once every ten years I get a craving for MacDonalds, eat some, then remember "oh yeah, this is just awful, slimy shit. Now I feel ill." -- and that does me for another decade. Anyway, craving just struck. I must be strong!

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@sullybiker lol at this: "They're basically a cult of religious zealots who occasionally murder children..."

It's cool how every game now comes with a launcher which, rather than doing anything useful like letting you e.g. skip splash screens, tries to sell you tee shirts.

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"It'd be so straightforward to log in, if you'd juuust gave us your measly, godDAMN PHONE NUMBER! Ya bum! Ya piece of shit!"

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wanna hear my impression of Twitch? "Aww, go on, just give us yer phone number,pweeeeease!"

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!