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If MS had an oz of common sense, they'd have realised that integrating AI with search was also the perfect opportunity to ditch the dreadful name 'Bing' for something that doesn't stick in everyone's craw instead.

In another recently-gentrified local: group of young lads telling the barmaid "this place really needs a dartboard or something", she's like "I agree!", me thinking 'three years ago, the dartboard was exactly where that fancy coffee machine is...'

I love when Google Drive decides to scare the bejesus out of me by accessing a months-old cached copy of a folder and making me think all my metrics and meeting minutes have vanished. Keeps me on my toes.

The front and back doors to this building are so busted you have to kick them open to get in. We all assumed someone else would tell the management company. It's been 9 months. It's become a battle of wills.

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Nothing quite speaks to the relentless ravages of time quite like EMF's Spotify header image

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CVE-2023-21036 / acropalypse is absolutely bonkers.

Apparently for 5+ years the cropping / editing tools for screenshots on Google Pixel phones was only overwriting the start of the screenshot PNG file, but not truncating.

All screenshots shared for the past 5+ years might have data recoverable from them. Demo available at

Google still hasn't communicated anything on this.

(h/t ItsSimonTime on Musk's site)

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Man, I wish I'd discovered NewPipe sooner. Quite apart from stripping ads, it's interface is just so much nicer than the gd YT app.

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I'm in rural Northumberland for a week, and it seems Android 13 feels compelled to notify me there's no signal here every 20 seconds. I could turn off data roaming, but if I do there's zero chance I'll remember to turn it back on when I go out. Like, just don't, phone? You work for me, damn it.

I have no idea how genuine this is, but it's more fun to assume it is.

I'm so good at throwing away irreplaceable pieces of cutlery inside takeaway cartons, I don't even need to think about it. I make it look effortless. It's my forte -- potentially, it's my raison d'etre, we just don't know yet.

car parks that require you to pay using an app are not a thing we should tolerate. they're a thing that should, in fact, get to fuck.

Oof I may have overdone the VR rally driving this evening.

i think he's playing a Hong Kong coastguard but it's a little unclear

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watching a Jackie Chan film in which he has the line "I only recognise one Boss, and that's the Queen "

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!