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The mod you need if you're both too busy and too agoraphobic to play Half Life

Technically, Sandboxx news is my kind of content -- if only Alex Hollings could talk like a normal gd human being. Maybe italicising every other word is a Youtube algorithm thing, idk, but it just drives me spare.

It's a shame sorting through the internal storage on Android devices is such a damned nightmare though. I need to use one app to import files from my NAS, then another to relocate them to where the Lumia player can see them. Also, it doesn't like .avis. At least not all of them. More experimentation needed. (.mkv is fine though, and stuff d/l off Newpipe works great.)

My Nubia/Lume tablet arrived and the 2D -> 3D on-the-fly conversion is super impressive. I am looking forward to rewatching loads of tatty old films in glasses-free 3D digital crikeyvision.

someone invented Deckard's nerd gun, from Bladerunner, and Ian likes it

getting increasingly frustrated with DDG's garbage search results these days. just find pages that contain the words in the box: all the words in the box, not some of them, not different ones, just the ones I typed. even using quotation marks doesn't guarantee relevant results. Startpage (which uses Google iirc?) and Ghostery Glow seem way better (but Ghostery loses marks for requiring you to click in the box after the search page loads, before you can start typing.)

The ship sinking scene In Avatar 2 is very reminiscent of Titanic, so maybe we need to brace for Aliens vs Predator vs Navi vs Iceberg as well.

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The guns and dropships in Avatar are evidently v similar to the ones in Aliens, which raises the prospect of Aliens vs Predator vs Navi at some point in our blighted future.

"Excel, copy the contents of column B to this new worksheet, please."
"No problem, boss! I've copied the contents of column B to the new worksheet, and added 42,000 blank cells, just like you asked."

Ah. Broadband completely crapped out again over vast swathes of the country. gg Virgin 'on the ridiculous' Media. And this just after they put everyone's bills up by 20% because of fuck you we feel like it.

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