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day 1 I'd be in there like "frozen mushy pea fritters! I want them on shelves by the end of the month!"

CEO of a convenience food company ia basically my dream job.

billions.of money, I mean, not billions of raw spaghetti hoops - but also billions of those.

saw a picture of some spaghetti hoops. now have an uncontrollable craving for spaghetti hoops. why does no one sell raw spaghetti as hoops? i swear, if someone put me in charge of a convenience food company, I would make billions. BILLIONS.

someone should make a game that's like Terra Invicta except actually enjoyable

Pipski boosted
Pipski boosted

Love this, above the imposing entrance of the Institut Oceanographique de Paris — now known as La Maison de l'Océan — built in 1911 to the design of Henri Paul Nénot.

MS's inexplicable obsession with getting rid of the Snipping Tool strikes again. Now we're meant to use the Print Screen button to open that functionality - but if you've changed the colour of your mouse cursor for accessibility reasons, good luck finding it once you do. Also, good luck finding wherever the hell it saves your snips to, because it doesn't tell you.

Pipski boosted

I do not want to subscribe to a word processor for £x/month, I just want to buy it and own it, and don't see why that suddenly stopped being a viable business model. I'd also quite like it to not suck, if that's remotely possible now.

Very much to my surprise, I had one of the best sausage rolls of my life today, from a Shell petrol station in Durham. It was genuinely delicious. I'm so confused.

Pipski boosted

Hey #amiga fans of Mastodon! I have a rare prerelease AmigaOS 4 CD looking for a home. I'd prefer to sell it to someone who'd appreciate it rather than just dump it on eBay; if you're interested, shoot me a line.

I seem to be the only person who thinks the 1.0 release of Ready Or Not isn't very good - but it isn't. The performance is weirdly dire and the new front-end stuff is severely bloated and basically just annoying. Very disappointing.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!