Redhat's M.O. seems to be "we need to improve this part of the ecosystem"

Then they toss it into the RHEL meat grinder at camp Poettering and out comes something that might be better but nobody will ever know because it's impossible to understand.

Oh and "Make sure the configuration is in some stupid fucking markup language for no obvious benefit, and it must interact with DBUS in some really weird way"


And don't forget: the logs must not be human-readable anymore, because why look at logs? Why, indeed?

@ParadeGrotesque "The Fedora devs don't look at logs so we thought nobody else should, either."


You mean, you look at logs to analyze a problem? How quaint!

Just use systemd-issuesd like normal people do, you weirdo!

Does not work on your system? Go back to BSD or Slackware or get on with the program!


@ParadeGrotesque Everybody uses a web server and QR code to look at logs nowadays!

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 1


Web server and QR codes? Nah, just use systemd-curl [please note: not real curl, the systemd replacement, of course] to query the error message from the system API!

Make sure systemd-webinfod is activated and systemd-firewalld is deactivated first. Of course.

Also: pleae note that, once systemd-apireportd is activated YOU CANNOT EVER REMOVE IT. 🤓

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