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Throwback to December 2010 in Southampton; a place that very seldom saw much snow (Geography tended to spare it from all but a dusting) but that year it got caked in it. I took this as I was called into work at 10am as I was the only person that lived locally, FML

3yrs ago today in the evening on my way to Las Vegas for the AWS thing. This was Denver, CO, using the Pixel 2's Night mode.

I didn't always like riding home in the cold and dark but the low sun could give some pretty ambience.

A Polish MiG-29UB (formerly of East Germany) bathing in a rare bit of 🌞 in Yeovilton. If you'd have told me growing up I'd be taking pictures of a MiG-29 alongside RAF aircraft at a Royal Navy base I'd have never believed it.

Panavia Tornado of the Royal Air Force leaving Yeovilton. Very much the aircraft that accompanied a rural childhood in Yorkshire, with them thundering all over the wolds on low-level sorties, practicing for a war in Germany that thankfully never came.

A Hungarian An-2 having a fun little run at Yeovilton in 2011. It has a party trick where the minimum speed is so slow in a headwind it appears to be hovering (groundspeed of zero).

Max performance climbout for the A380. The telephoto exaggerates the angle, it was nevertheless a sight to behold. The aircraft stayed pretty much inside the display box the whole time, like an elephant doing ballet.

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The Airbus A380 demo at Farnborough, this time with the Engine Alliance power (Pratt & Whitney and GE, iirc) prior to its absolutely bonkers demo flight.

EGHI had loads of General Aviation movements. This is a Turbo Arrow that despite being in the UK full time has an American Registration.

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One of FlyBe's DHC-8-400s ('Q400'). There were loads of these, you could go up to EGHI and see them any time of day. They were ubiquitous and boring, but are now history. This airframe ended its days in Nigeria, now listed as 'stored'.

The Normen-Britten Trislander, Aurigny used these noisy little buggers to go back and forth to the Channel Islands. I regret not taking this trip, they look a hoot.

This is a sparkling Embraer E-195 'E-jet' of FlyBe. This airline was finally killed off by the pandemic, winding up in March 2020. The aircraft now serves LOT 🇵🇱

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