Show newer While this is undoubtedly unfortunate, I can't stop laughing.

@evan They won't be happy. They may leave you...high and dry...

Had a weird little moment with my XPS-13; the Bluetooth stack basically shit itself. I had to go into the BIOS and disable/re-enable it.

The Kernel just wasn't seeing it. The HiDPI screen on the XPS is small, and snows up a lot of issues. Gnome's rendering (via gsettings) is actually not bad at all but I noticed Ubuntu (used a livecd to DD the drive for a backup) have put a lot of work in.

Basically between slightly inadequate scaling and a small display they can start to look strange. Terminal is v. nice, though. It's pretty decent. I run it on my XPS 13 and it's been trouble-free.

Their fonts are shit though, I've tried to fix it but it's still pretty uggo. @evan Is this a Sting song

Weather is crazy at the moment. 11F and snow last Friday. Now it's bearable with a t-shirt.

Took me 2.5hrs to get to work in that snow.

Had considerable problems with runaway CPU and OOM on the instance the last couple of days. I haven't had time to figure it out. It's Ruby, I know that much.

A shame that a real decentralised alternative to monolothic social media companies is so characterised by pathetic infighting and bike-shedding.

Excellent overview of the sprawl of Los Angeles in this Turkish Airlines approach & landing video: I for one look forward to systemd-activitypubd @aral That's textbook executive semantics. I have to say I am interested in the premise thus far. That elicited a proper LOL, cheers!

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