Show newer It's useful work.

Jim boosted

Have you heard of this game where you play as a horrible goose that wreaks mischief on the mild-mannered inhabitants of a small English village?

This neural net certainly hadn't.

Jim boosted

Taking a distributed system like DNS and collapsing it down to "Google and CloudFlare" is a huge downgrade.

There are certainly other factors to take into account, but "letting two companies handle all DNS" is just a bad idea.

lol Adobe screwing over the entirety of Venezuela,.

If reports of Turkish armour stacking at the border are true, I do wonder if they're intending to go further than their 'safety area'.

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As the Middle East appears ready to boil over, I'm curious about some things:
i) What are Turkey's objectives in Syria? Really just a 'buffer zone'?
ii) What is Russia's thinking on i)
iii) Where does Iran fit into all of this?

Not sure why letsencrypt just suddenly changed the cert path slightly, I think I missed something.

Le Carre and the BBC mini-series were my introduction to the genre, so I have fairly high standards.

Show thread Is that Vladimir Putin?

I really want to love but the plotting is pretty shaky. It's flawed, but still great TV. Similar to Engrenages in many ways.

I enjoyed these declassified Soviet jokes, and the fact it was the job of some Virginia analyst to compile them all.

Jim boosted
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