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This is National Socialist tier shit, and it makes me really quite uncomfortable. It's not okay to commit reputational murder because of guilt by association. And it's not okay to make fucking lists of political targets. Is this progress? bUt ThEre'S nO irReGuLariTiES

@dave Drives me up the wall. Has done for years with his blokey Ben-Eltonesque bullshit. Oxbridge wanker playing at bloke in the pub. I want to pet that dog That's about it

Interesting that mail spammers are tying ipv6 sockets sporadically. My postfix service is filtered but not on Ipv6, I was wondering where they were coming from... I keep the feet sweetie for myself

@lain "When I'm on business in china and want to check my payola has arrived in my US checking account, I use express VPN"

@onepict He will use every strategy available to him to avoid giving up power. It's going to be a long month.

@SeventhMagpie You always brighten up my day when we interact.

@SeventhMagpie I think the results oddly reflect this. A sort of non-committal fatigue with it all. I think he is so chaotic it was more chance, I don't think he set out any particular strategy, but I could be wrong.

The China rhetoric was awful, but I know some steel workers that absolutely ate that up, so it's no surprise it worked for him.

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I strongly doubt the authenticity of this but it still makes me chuckle.

I can't believe this was 15yrs ago. Whenever I visited dad, I used to get up first thing on my last morning there and take a sunrise photo. This was the best from all of those visits.

1983 was peak Cold War in Germany. The year of Able Archer, and the last time the Soviets really looked like they might have been on a war footing.

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Super bit of cold war history, when Germany would have been right in the middle of the shit if things ever kicked off.

@lnxw48a1 This is a problem in lots of places. It originates in poor initial implementation decisions, and Mgmt lacking detailed knowledge and being easily charmed by vendors with deep pockets.

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