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@lnxw48a1 The IP trolls, both big tech and minnows, will exploit any wriggle room.

@PeteMoss These are the kinds of things that *are* issues, edge cases tend to become center cases. We have a lot of odd applications that we usually just suggest bootcamp for...

I'm getting am M1 Mac for evaluation, should anybody have any app questions. Quite curious to see what's native and what isn't, for when the kids come back armed with them in Sept.

Jim boosted

Facebook has *such* a sweet racket. First, they used the Roach Motel model - data checks in, but it doesn't check out - to trap you and all your friends in a mutual hostage-taking situation, where you can't leave because they're there, and they can't leave because you're there.


Jim boosted
@lnxw48a1 @sullybiker
Time: Late 70's
Place: Crammed into the back of a land yacht Caddy with the other kids (thinking maybe 4-5 total in the back seat) from the block heading to High School as Freshman, the front had the two Seniors and a 8-track quad. Windows down and volume at 11.

Led Zeppelin The Lemon Song Official Audio - YouTube

The electrons are back. I am pleased. I didn't want to go to bed and be woken up by all the electronics coming back to life simultaneously. My NAS for example, emits a shrill beep when it spins to life.

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@lnxw48a1 Music is very powerful in this effect.

Whenever I hear Paul Simon's Graceland or Dire Strait's 'Brothers in Arms' I'm taken right back to 1986, in the car with my dad at the weekends.

Update: It was indeed a transformer, the next street over. At least 300 properties affected.

Show thread Good. The confines of a train carriage make that especially stressful. That sounds delightful Depends if you're bitey

Lots of sirens so some clown probably drove their brodozer into a transformer. Who knows...

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The lights just went out. I am tooting on cellular in the dark.

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In the middle of a partial power outage. Two living room lights are on very dimly, like Elder Scrolls lanterns.

Never experienced this before.

Jim boosted
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!